If this is the same blue box of metric bolts, nuts, washers, etc. that i got last year at Cirque last year, It is the coolest thing- I have been in that box at least 2-3x a week since for various bike projects...thanks Bob!
Bob Freitas wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">
> Listers
> I will again be donating an assortment of Stainless
> Steel Fasteners which includes various sizes used on both Vintage and
> Modern bikes. Dont miss it as there will only be one this year and John
> will sell it to the highest bidder (not to be confused with more than
> one bidder at Dales last year who was more than high.)
> Also I will be bringing some METRIC THREAD
> RESTORATION FILES to sell at the Swap on Sunday
> See You in Leesburg
> </div>
gabriel l romeu
screwing around in chesterfield nj usa
G L Romeu
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