Hi Mark, were Rossins nice bikes? You bet!
My out-and-out favourite riding bike for three years has been a huge 65
cm c/t SP Rossin from the mid-eighties, looking like fresh from the dumpster, heavy as hell, but it goes up hills like the b....s. I´m not
too hot a cyclist but I can use 48/53 in the front with 17 to 25 in the
rear. This is for quite hilly riding mostly. Jan Heine would probably find it planes well, I´d say it has just the right amount of wobble.
I got it off a newspaper small add for what would have been about 100 Dollars three years ago because a friend had bought it for me without asking first - he knows I can´t resist buying those rare 64 cm plus frames for my own 2m/6´6" frame -, but I´ve never looked back as they say. Tore off the cheapo parts, threw some old NR out of my box at it and hey presto. The old no name Taiwan b/b bearing and the RX 100 derailleur set are still on it; waiting for these to wear out.
I meet people riding Rossins relatively frequently on long distance events (don´t do any racing now) and they never even think of riding
other bikes. Ask Freek Faro - he has some, too, I think.
Regards, Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.
P.S.: My computer is on dial up POTS internet, so PLZ no pictures! Thanks.