I agree with Jerry on both points, but foremost would urge you to strongly consider keeping the bike for the sentimental value. I sold off my first "dream bike", a 1980 Bianchi, in the early 90's to a friend of mine, and I have been trying to get it back for a long time now. I think we finally have a trade worked out for a 1980 Woodrup, which I also really like and hate to give up. The Woodrup is a better frame, fits me better, and I really enjoy riding it. Such is the price of sentiment, at least for us sentimental types.
-- John Wood Washington Island, Wisconsin, USA
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Charles King <kingcharles3@gmail.com>
> I am the proud owner of a 1974 Motobecane Grand Record. I purchased this
> bike in high school and am in the process of cleaning it up after many
> years
> of non-use. The bike has not been ridden since approximately the mid-80s
> when I purchased a De Rosa.
> I will probably try to sell the Motobecane, but have almost offered it for
> sale several times in the past. Needless to say, this was my first good
> bike and it holds great sentimental value for me, but I can't escape the
> reality that, mostly because of fit issues, I prefer to ride my other
> bikes.
> The Motobecane is all original, except for the seat post which I had to
> replace when the original broke in half. The bike came with tubular wheels
> which I still have. In the early 80s, I purchased a pair of steel clincher
> wheels when the cost of replacing tubular tires after frequent flats became
> too costly for me. If I sell the bike, I will put the tubular wheels back
> on. Both tires had flats when I put on the clinchers, so I will have to
> buy
> new tubular tires. Repair is an option for only one tire; I threw the
> other one away.
> Here is my question for you collectors out there: do I need to find period
> correct tubular tires, or will a modern set suffice? In other words, how
> much of a difference will the period correctness of the tires matter to
> a typical collector/purchaser of this kind of bike? I know it's a matter
> of
> opinion, but I'd be appreciative if you would share your opinion.
> Thanks.
> Charles King
> Westchester County, New York