Re: [CR](day after) Bastille Day Ride Saint Paul, Minnesota USA

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 19:28:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR](day after) Bastille Day Ride Saint Paul, Minnesota USA
In-Reply-To: <>

Oops, that's what happens when you try to be a smart***. Bastille Day is JULY 14, of course, not June 14. That way Jackie Durand could always attack on Bastille Day in the Tour de France. Of course Jackie was likely to attack any day in the TdF, almost never succeeded, but got top marks for effort. What genius those French, the oppressed classes timed their storming of the Bastille in the 18th century to fall during a bike race that would not be founded until more than 100 years later.

And with this correction, I think I've exceeded my permitted posts for the day, so good night all.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, Texas, USA

Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <> wrote: I thought Bastille day was June 14, ou 14 Juin en francais, non?


Jerry Moos Big Sping, Texas, Etats Unies

scott davis wrote:

The 7th Annual Twin Cities Bastille Day Ride will roll on Sunday July 20th --weather permitting. Try to bring your ol' French or French-equipped steed or bottle of Alize, Baguette, French Toast French Fries or even another vintage bike.

Place: Har Mar Mall in St.Paul on Snelling and County Rd B.

Distance: Approx. 42 Leisurly miles along the Gateway Trail. Rest-stop at turn-around.

Snacks or Beer or Pizza available at Har Mar Chicago Pizza, after the ride.

WHEN: 1130 am Sunday July 20th, 2008.

Contact: Scott Davis Saint Anthony Minnesota USA