After reading Michael´s advertisement for his Classic Bike Tour, I suddenly remembered that there is another one - this time in the North
of Germany, in Bramsche/Osnabrück which can be reached more easily by
Dutch and Belgian (are there any?) members.
The date is June 14, 0800 hrs, and the idea is that we hook into an organized century ride with distances offered ranging from 43 to 153 km. Services include refreshment stops on the way every 25 km or so, a
well-signposted route, a sag waggon if needs be, and beastly weather.
Entry fee is 5 Euros, or three for holders of German Century Riders´
licences. I hope there will be some sort of cycle jumble, too - depending on what people bring. Germany´s biggest dealer in old bike
bits has more or less agreed to attend.
Hoping to see some of you there,
Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.