I have to agree with Nick on this. I wrote a nice post on plug and cork use
going back to prewar days to plug all the dangerous holes on the bikes for
safety reasons.
That should be in the archives, so I won't be a broken record.
Two bandaids and a cork also make a bikini. OK, two corks.
Bikes and gals, doesn't get any better!
Ted Ernst
Palos Verdes Estates
> Marcus Helman wrote: "Following that logic, all frames built of 531 are
> Bri
> tish. And with that, I nudge the thread a bit closer to being on-topic."
> That, Marcus, is a very valid point. I disagree however on the use of bar
> e
> nd plugs of cork as being off-topic. Whilst I admit that my presentation
> of
> the subject was a mite trivial, the issue is real. Many people raced bikes
> back in the day with corks as bar end plugs. Maybe not Anquetil, Coppi or
> others, but at still very competitive level, on on topic lightweight
> racers
> , you find cork in the ends of the drops. That one should want to ignore
> th
> e issue as non-noble and pay a fortune for Philippe lead barplugs to stick
> on demi-course Peugeots, I can understand, but it doesn't change the fact
> o
> f cork use one iota :)
> Best regards
> Nick March, Agen, 47000, Lot et Garonne, France
> =0A=0A=0A
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