Tom, &al.....
For any who aren't already familiar with this applet demo.
It gives you a quick visual of why pantographs work so well.
On the biz end you may afix a pencil or a plasma torch.
A rotary graver was the norm for jewelry and bicycle
components. These days "pantographing" more likely
gets done digitally with a CNC plotter.
The inexpensive wooden drafting pantos are still handy
for any scale-up jobs larger than your printer or scanner.
Some of our classic rides & components may have begun
as an idea sketched out on a scrap of paper in a pub. Back
at the pattern drafting office it could be scaled up using
the shop's workhorse wooden panto. These were usually
bolted at one end to a large flat table and suspended from
the ceiling, just above the paper, w/string & a gum band.
The Dies used to make stamped metal head badges came
from a plaster or wood model scaled down using a panto-
graph. Sometimes the pantograph used is one of the
lathe variety. It's mighty elegant in the way it works but it
would take another screen demo applet to explain it.
BTW: Anyone got a few tapered collets for an H.P. Preiss 2d Panto?
Calvert Guthrie
Kansas City