Beautiful american craftsmanship. I am told by a prominent list memeber that these were ahead of the famed Varsity and Continental. I am still tracking down that info so can not put the Danner seal on it, but it seems plausible. Query: since the Carter administration mandated a buy american program in the 70's did these schwinns come with american parts? Who besides schwinn made american derailleurs and brakes?
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Charles F Nighbor <>
> A new never used 56 cm 70's Paramount on eBay now
> Enjoy
> Not seller
> Charles Nighbor
> Walnut Creek, CA
> PS Cleared by my doctor to begin riding after double sports hernia
> operation!!!!!!!! Yes
> PSS Going to be in high 90's I wait till Friday morning for that ride
> L=7#ebayphotohosting
> _______________________________________________
Ron Danner
Hop Bottom Township
Susquehanna PA USA