Re: [CR]Is ebay plain stupid or do they have a game plan ?

(Example: Framebuilders:Chris Pauley)

From: "accobra" <>
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Subject: Re: [CR]Is ebay plain stupid or do they have a game plan ?
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 13:35:41 -0500

Nick, I am a "PowerSeller" on eBay and I am equally appalled by eBay's new feedback policy. It dramatically exposes good sellers to unscrupulous buyers. eBay seemingly takes the stance that buyers are angels and can do no wrong. But we know occasionally a buyer can be anything but an angel.

With sellers being able to leave a negative for a bad buyer, it created a critical check & balance. It made complete sense. Now it's gone and as a result, feedback ratings will gradually become more meaningless because of new abuses by hit-and-run buyers (as you say, nitpickers and those with chips on their shoulders) and no way for sellers to warn other sellers about an abusive buyer.

Nonetheless, I continue to list and sell on eBay and will likely keep going until I get pissed off a little more. Right now I stand at 1000+ feedback with 100% positive. It will kill me when I get that first negative from some ass and I'll have no recourse.

Another person has pointed out that a seller could still leave feedback (albeit, under the "positive" category) but write bad comments for the buyer, to provide some level of retaliation. It won't stand out very well but it might feel better than having to sit back and take it.

Also, remember you can add your own comments under someone elses comment that they leave for you, again providing slight solace & explanation.

I noticed eBay does require a buyer to wait several days before they will allow the buyer to leave a neutral or negative feedback. That "might" provide a little cushion against complete hotheads.

Mark Winkelman
Dallas, TX USA

----- Original Message -----
From: Nick March
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 5:53 AM
Subject: [CR]Is ebay plain stupid or do they have a game plan ?

> The header says it all, and I'll stick by it and assume full
> responsability
> . Received some mails a few weeks back from saying that sellers
> can
> no longer leave feedback. Or that they can leave positive feedback. Though
> t it was spoof and discarded it. Then this morning I open ebay and find
> tha
> t on a item I sold, I can indeed only leave positive feedback. This means
> t
> hat if I sell something to a nitpicker or a guy with a terminal chip in
> his
> shoulder, he can hit me with unjustified negative (a lot more nitpickers o
> ut there than one would believe), and I can do nothing. Absolutely
> nothing.
> Now who is the overeducated genius who came up with this one ? No serious
> s
> eller is going to continue with ebay on those terms, just hit and run
> merch
> ants or kids with no idea.
> Only thing I can think of is that ebay wants to bankrupt itself, because
> th
> ey make their bread from paypal, sure, where the seller gets loaded with
> th
> e charges. And from seller insertion fees and commission on final sales
> val
> ue.
> My oh my, ebay, you have shot yourself in the foot, the pain will be
> unbear
> able within two months, time it will take for the totally negative effects
> of this "strategy" or "brainstorm decision" to hit.
> OK, buyers didn't dare retaliate most of the time (myself included) with
> in
> itial negative feedback beause of a certain bad feedback from the seller,
> s
> o something had to budge. But shooting your breadwinner? Look ebay, if you
> need a genius to help you come up with that sort of decision, I can think
> o
> f any number of winos, wisecracks or else who'd do the job FREE. Or you
> can
> take me on, and for a very, very large sum I'll explain to you how to run
> your show.
> In the meantime, first unjustified negative I get, I shut down my ebay
> acco
> unt, and set up my own salesfront website. Not using paypal, thank you all
> the same.
> Can anybody come up with a logical explantion to this seemingly suicidal
> be
> havior from what was (well, still is for a small while) the most
> successful
> online auctionplace ?
> Nick March, Agen, 47000, Lot et Garonne, France.=0A=0A=0A
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