I here all the carping at E-Bay again so he is what I proposed to do. I belive I mentioned this before that I know the CIO at, which is a free shopping system (they generate their revenue thru advertizing). But the Idea got shot down because everybody thought it was more a porn deal that anything else.
Well here is the deal I will be the test site. I'm going to set up a store because I was going to sell some of my collection anyway. What I get up in arm about is that everybody bitches about it, but nobody is willing to jump off the E-bay band wagon because of the traffic they generate.
so let see if we can generate a sea change out the gang.
Remember it is FREE and if you can get around all the trappings of the host site we can all save a hell of a lot cash.
I'll get back to you.
Jack (trailblazer) Gabus
Laguna Beach, CA United States of America