(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2008 11:11:27 -0700
From: "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
To: CLASSIC RENDEZVOUS <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]CIRC 08

I finally got around to adding notations to all my photos from the CIRC weekend , missing is the closeup photo I took of Gary Dellarosas Excellent Alex Moulton Single to Tandem convertible (or is that single/tandem stow able?) Those of you who didn't go really missed a good time (and very unseasonably warm temperatures) Great people, super bikes ,a marathon auction, a visit to the Mighty Midget Kitchen (Thanks Tom!) cruising on the W&O bike trail, conversations with new and old friends, some great presentations (plus it looks like Dale has enough slides to give talks for the next 3 or 4 CIRCS) more than 1 mystery bike,a visit to Peter Ks amazing ex Nascar mobile bike shop (and Brewery) great deals on bikes and parts, a peek at Mr Nyes next scholarly work,a southern take on Middle Eastern Falafels, the fallability of modern navigation systems (actually twice counting the delay leaving Dulles where they had to reboot the computer on our Virgin America flight) Strangest moment was sitting in the Lobby and having a woman walk up and ask what was going on (lots of oddly dressed people and bikes in the lobby) after identifying herself as a vintage cyclist she proceeded to tell my she was a Chiropractic Nurse who was studying Horse Massage (a horse Masseuse?, I am not making this up!) I already have a room reserved for next year BOB FREITAS overcast in MILL VALLEY, CA USA

PS Wayne and MJ have promised 70o weather for next years event
