Campagnolo itself is re-introducing the "Super Record" groupset to celebrate it's 75th anniversary.
Angel Garcia Long Valley, NJ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Brett Horton <> Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:32 PM Subject: [CR]New Campagnolo Book - 75th Anniversary To:
A new coffee table retrospective book celebrating Campgnolo's 75th annivers ary will be coming out this Fall in Italy, published by Bolis. I found out this morning that VeloPress is doing the English translation of the book an d is slating release in time for Christmas. If you are really ambitious, Am azon already has the US version on-line and is accepting pre-orders. The au thors are Paolo Facchinetti and Guido Rubino.
Brett Horton San Francisco, California USA