[CR]1964 Bianchi Competizione plus Campy 9 Tooth Wheel Repair

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 09:13:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Kevin Kruger" <ktk1_7_0_2_8@yahoo.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]1964 Bianchi Competizione plus Campy 9 Tooth Wheel Repair

Posted photos of my recently purchased 1964 Bianchi Competizione on Wool Je rsey as it was received and assembled out of the box.  The original steel RECORD rear derailleur was swapped out for a no-date "PATENT" rear with th e nine (9) tooth pulley wheels.  The original pedals also somehow became separated from the bike, with Lyotard platforms incorrectly included.  Al ready replaced the Lyotards with Campagnolo steel 1037s with the strap loop , but pretty sure this model used ATOM-style quill pedals as were used on P eugeot PX10 from this period.  Only Competizione model photos that I coul d find were on Matt Gorski's Wool Jersey album, and the chrome model has th ese ATOM-style quills installed: http://www.wooljersey.com/gallery/FarWestMilanoCC/IMG_9334.JPG.html?g2_im ageViewsIndex=1 If someone knows the correct pedals, and/or has a pair for sale, please con tact me offlist.

Bike was obviously ridden very little as evidenced by the great overall con dition down to the original bar tape!!!  Brooks Professional saddle shows zero signs of use!!!

Photos in its uncleaned as as-received condition may be viewed at the fol lowing address:

http://www.wooljersey.com/gallery/Kevin-Krugers-Bikes/64BianchiCompetizio ne/?g2_fromNavId=xeda4a418

Rear "PATENT" rear derailleur has since been removed and the correct RECORD steel installed.  Now here's a question about the nine (9) tooth pulle y wheels --- they have both developed the commonly encountered separation c racks, and I am wondering if anyone has been successful in repairing these cracks???  I was considering trying to melt ski base "PTEX" repair into t he cracks, and then sanding/filing down the excess for a smooth crack seam repair.  Any views, opinions, alternative suggestions on pulley wheel cra ck repair???  Hate to see these wheels go into a state on non-use because the derailleur looks like brand new!!!

Kevin Kruger - Grantville, PA