[CR] Road trips...Update....Move to the U.S, competing with the Euro dudes.

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

From: "corpuz family" <corpuzfamily@hotmail.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 03:14:01 -0700
In-Reply-To: <485DF30E.4010202@sonic.net>
References: <MONKEYFOODcIeVuqvMY000012e8@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
Subject: [CR] Road trips...Update....Move to the U.S, competing with the Euro dudes.

Hi All,

There was some talk about a week or so ago, about us and our move to the U. S.A, some talk about competing with the Europeans! We moved back to Califor nia because of health problems. I just couldn't stand the wet weather any l onger after 10 years. We're happy to say that we locked up a great deal of 12 plus 40ft containers before we left Europe so we will be supplied for lo nger than I'll be alive! Lots and lots of good stuff. For example off the t op of my head 4 to 5 master cases of Regina 6 speed 13-24 freewheels. Not s ure how many are in a case? Looks to be about 2500 pieces total, this total would include open stocks. I'm still wondering how in the world did they g et these cases to where they are sitting, no room for a forklift nor a pall et jack? Thank goodness we made the deal in US dollars so we're not affecte d by the currency increase. So looooooooooots more to come! Another reason why we moved from Santa Barbara to Santa Paula; we now have 10,000 sft so w e can start moving the containers. We were lucky buying up goodies while mo st Europeans were still asleep. I had a headstart of at least 5 years.

Right now we're making ready to land a 40ft sea container of bike stuff via our European warehouse, EINDHOVEN HOLLAND. This will be container # 5 arriving from the old diggs. So to say!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!>>>>Yep! We're still in the game! CR member BIG Bob Cohen has visited the warehouse several times so he can c onfirm the warehouse and its contents.

In 2 weeks time Cecile is off to Holland with the kids to prep for a contai ner, she'll make sure packing material will be ready and prep some product for the pack. Once she's back then it's my turn to get over there for the p ack. And of course I'll be doing some buying.......Our new store, we are ta king the bike shop gig and the selling of old bike parts to the next level. The store is looking GREAT! A QUOTE from a customer, geeze I've never seen a bike shop like this! He kinda walked around with his jaws half way down to his knees being dazzed and confused. We'll put some pics on our website http://www.cafedevelo.com soon.

There was also mention of pricing, prices lowering on the market place of o ld bike parts: A few examples for us, current selling prices are solid. All items are currently still in stock, many from just after our fire of 2000. These are items that we have sold 10 or more pieces per year. Some many mo re than 10 pieces per year. For example:

# 1 Alfredo Bindas / year 2000 $ 12.00.......................now in 2008 / 34.00 - 45.00 We once had so much ( 5000 + pieces ) we we're adding as freebies to custom er orders.

# 2 MAFAC RACER brakesets / year 2000 $ 28.00.............2008 / 94.00 - 11 0.00 Sells evertime they're listed. Offered 100 pieces once to the CR LIST @ 28.00 sold the 100 pieces in less than 48 hours.

# 3 Concor saddles / year 03 $ 30.00.........................2008 / 120.00 - 150.00 380 pieces WOW! A great find.

# 4 ZEUS 2000 42t chainwheel / year 04 $ 30.00...........2008 / 100.00 -130 .00 Bought from the former team manager of Luiz Ocana, Henry Labadie. With the purchase of the old ZEUS stocks we acquired his bike brand, it now will bec ome one of our house brands. When packing the ZEUS stocks many of his old c ustomers were visiting the warehouse to say goodbye to the bicycle parts. I t was a sad day for them seeing their beloved parts move to the US. On anot her note about the ZEUS score: Another vintage dealer ( Frenchman )Roland s aid, you must come and liberate these old parts, you must give them new lif e! I said why don't you get this stuff for yourself to sell............He s aid NO! NO! I do not want to play in your backyard! I said this is your ba ckyard, you should take on some of this stuff. He then said said NO I want to sleep on the weekends!...........He now has twins, sleeping on weekends nothing doing.

# 5 Campagnolo 43t NR chainwheel / year 2000 $ 15.00....2008 / 75.00 - 95.0 0 We once had piles of these, sold a mountain of these to I think Mario Garci a?

So these goods are like a fine wine, their value goes up as years go by. We 've had some rough times adjusting moving first from Europe and then again to another location in California but that is all behind us now. We're read y to roll to supply and keep your passion alive right here from within the US.

We'll send another road trip offering soon!

Baron and Cecile Corpuz Cafe de Velo Santa Paula, CA> _______________________________________________> Classicre ndezvous mailing list> Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> http://www.bikelist. org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous