What level model was this 572 in the Follis lineup?
Thanks, Mitch Harris Little Rock Canyon, Utah, USA
On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 7:26 PM, Norris Lockley
<norris.lockley@yahoo.com> wrote:
> What a classic bike this is ! How elegant.!
> Word on the block in France is that the FOLLIS no longer exists. A French f
> riend and Ebay trader visited the shop in Lyon earlier this year. The story
> goes that M Chollet, the long time owner and only remaining frame builder,
> is retiring and has no family to take on the business. Chollet was just wo
> rking on the last tandem on the order books at the time of my friend's visi
> t in February, I think.
> Such a loss will mean that the FOLLIS in Ebay is now doubly collectable...t
> here will be no more of them.
> Norris Lockley, Settle UK=0A=0A=0A