Hello all,
I am looking to buy a set of campagnolo 177.5 or preferably 180mm campag nolo record crank arms. I would ideally like a set of pre-date code 144BCD arms in decent shape, I am willing to strip and polish so as long as ther e are no major nicks, corrosion or deep wear that is fine. Please let me know if you can help me. I am vaugly aware that there was a single dot and somtimes 2 dots on the back of the arms to donate 1971 and 1972 respectivel y. This may have only been on the driveside I am not sure, but that type of date code is fine. 1973 is too late for this project. It is a painfully correct project I have been working on for nearly 2 years. I may also be in terested in a big ring from 52-54t no pin patent campagnolo (i.e. 1968-1973 ish, correct me if I am wrong).
Thank-you Anthony Bier Victoria, BC
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