Re: [CR]On originality in judging shows

(Example: Production Builders)

Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2008 21:22:16 +0000 (GMT)
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]On originality in judging shows
In-reply-to: <>
To: Michael Allison <>
References: <>
cc: Classic Rendezvous <>

Any bike can be shown and most can be ridden. However, in the context of a vintage bike exhibition, a bike must be judged on originality and condition. If your Masi, or any other bike, is original and in good condition it would be held in high esteem by a impartial judge. I know that bikes have been ridden to vintage bike shows and have won prizes.
George Hollenberg MD

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Allison"
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2008 05:10:00 -0000
Subject: [CR]On originality in judging shows
Cc: "Tom Sanders"

> I'm with Tom on this one: Show bikes and riders. Why not both
> categories? I'm not a collector at heart, I just have a few
> (well,
> three) old bikes that are part of my cycling history. My
> favorite is
> my 1962 Masi Special which I maintained for many years as an all
> original show bike. But that had a down side because I didn't
> ride it.
> The Universal brakes didn't stop well, the Fiamme rims were too
> soft
> for New York's boomed-out streets, the gearing was too high for
> this
> guy who's getting older, and the toe straps and clips hurt my
> feet. I
> finally changed out those offending components and now I ride
> the bike
> at least twice a week. Despite the upgrades, I think my Masi
> should be
> judged with the best.
> Michael Allison
> New York, NY
> _______________________________________________

George Hollenberg MD