[CR]Derailleur and freewheel esoterica

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

From: <"tom.ward@juno.com">
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 00:02:53 GMT
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Derailleur and freewheel esoterica

Howard Darr wrote:
><Snip> Mark Sez: I noticed it says it has a Regina Oro rear cluster wit h
>14-34. Where do you find 14-34 Regina (even if not oro)? I could find none
>that had as high as 26.
>The largest cog I ever saw on a cog board was a 31 tooth. Is there a 3 4?
>The Campagnolo Gran Turismo is rated 13 to 36 teeth.

Yes, there are Regina freewheels with 31 teeth. I'm almost certain they did not offer anything larger. Nultiple brands did go up to 32 or 34 in period--and then there is that Suntour 14 - 38. Would a Gran Turismo or Rally shift it? I do know a long-cage Simplex will. I applied both to an
   absurd Peugeot UO-8 that is one of my ongoing projects, gradually becom ing the world's most-altered, parts-substituted UO-8 (that still has goo d paint)...but I digress. I've wondered how to interpret the markings on a Zeus Criterium. I'm loo king at it right now. It, too, like Howard's Gran Turismo, says 13 - 36:
   "DE 13 A 36 DIENTES" -- but it is distinctly short-cage, and with it be ing NIB I feel confident it always has been.;-) Whereas the item I belie ve the Zeus Criterium to be based upon, a chromed, old-type Campagnolo G ran Sport, is marked "DA 14 A 26 DENTI" (as one would expect, and corres ponding to the physical dimension of the thing). Perhaps the Zeus is sim ply giving us more or less a typo, something like the classic "Made In J taly" stems. Perhaps, rather than talking about the freewheel, Zeus is advising us no t to use a (front)chainwheel smaller than 36? I don't have the answer, b ut at any rate have always found this stamped "rating" idea to be a bit dubious as a proposition to live by. The operative issue is and should b e how much chain will a given derailleur wrap in accommodating a wide-ra nge set-up. To be scientific about it one would just about have to count
   links, but life is far too short for that when there is riding to be do ne. Sutherlands (I have the 2nd Ed.) provides a chart that speaks to this id ea of range, for example, with 28 - 52 front chainrings, and for the afo rementioned Gran Turismo, advising 13 - 30. There's a page-and-a-half of
   the like, and it's useful enough, but they leave you on your own with m any earlier derailleurs. Cyclo Benelux is not mentioned at all, nor do c ontinental Cyclo or early Huret or Simplex feature. Even Campagnolo only
   goes back as far as Nuovo Record. I detect certain prejudices of mid-'7 0s American cycling at work here! Or perhaps it was simply to be underst ood one should not attempt alpine gearing with anything with a pull-chai n...but what about my Cyclo Benelux Tourist Mk. 8? I've been thinking about converting a '58 Raleigh Lenton Gran Prix from eight-speed close ratio to a bit wider ten (five-speed block rather than
   the stock four 14- 20). This means I'm wondering what the Mark 8 (Repl acing the stock Cyclo Benelux Mark 7) would handle (in terms of both cha in-wrap and clearance), given the stock 49 - 46 front chainwheels? I'm p roposing to myself to try one of the Maillard or Atom 14 - 30s that I ha ve here, resting and waiting. I don't like to work too hard on the bridg e approaches around here, and enjoy idling around Battery Park and somet hing like walking speed...or less. The stock parts will of course remain
   with the bike for the next caretaker to enjoy (or save for the 22nd Cen tury). Have fun everyone. Tom Ward -- Brooklyn, NY --USA