Doug, LIST,
Some years ago i was in a very upmarket and well respected cycle shop here
in South Derry , ULSTER, when this conversation also came around . The prop
rietor, although not a racing man himself, had a father who was a real hard
man, one of the old school, and, in fact, some of his tandem records are s
till unbroken.. tmk.
They were leading Pinarello dealers for many years. and had a v
ery close relationship with Snr. Pinarello.
he,Mr P. had told John that frameset weight was way down in his list of pri
orities , but it never ceases to amaze us that there is so much emphasis pl
aced by cyclists on averdupois maybe they aren't so keen to let you g
uess their of our local club a new member.. and no sprin
g chicken.... weighs 18 stones / 232 lb ... an ex weight body builder.. hes
doing short 21's for 10 miles its power to weight that counts.
. regards.
willie carton. coleraine.. l'derry.. n ireland..
During a conversation the other day the subject of bike weight arose . I've often wondered why when someone viewing my bike/s tends to pick it up and pose the question , how much does it weigh. I am never able to answer, simply because I do 'nt know because I 've never checked. Over the years I have never been "weight conscious" my main aim has always been to build up up frame with whatever parts I choose or are available at the time . I loosely classify my bikes as lightweights but when one considers some of the steel and chrome accessories we build up with they are far from light!
So what is it that makes some folk expect their or other persons bikes to be as light as possible. It surprises me the lengths some will go to lighten a machine for few ounces/grams. Where are the benefits ,what is to gained I wonder ? Does any effort to reduce weight really alter the the riding qualities or speed of our classic lightweight machines. I have my doubts!
Doug Smith North Dorset UK
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