From: "Koepke, Mark" <>
To: "" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 11:15:26 -0500
Thread-Topic: FS Sella Royal NOS S17 Seat/s 1970s-80s
Thread-Index: AcjiEtcbWz6k6hebSbmJzcyn9GjTLAEcbUGgAARPhXA=
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acceptlanguage: en-US
Subject: [CR]RE: FS Sella Royal NOS S17 Seat/s 1970s-80s
Got the years of manufacture wrong below...really is late 70s, early 80s.
-----Original Message-----
Hi, I have a few really wonderful Sella Royal NOS S17s to sell. These are
much like the less padded Cinelli Unicantors.... some padding but not lots.
C. Late 80s, early 90s(?) Great quality leather. $35 shipped in the USA,
$50 if going abroad. I can email a picture if needed.