Re: [CR]Wrapping bars with cloth tape

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

From: <>
To: dima <>, Classic Rendezvous <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Wrapping bars with cloth tape
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 16:20:50 +0000

These rolls of tape were short to begin with and now seem to be even shorter. I would suggest using remnant tape for the four pieces around the brake levers and being very careful about the overlap.

I prefer the Cateye tape when it can be found. The old Fujita tape was fantastic. These Japanese tapes were much longer than a roll of Tressostar.

Joe Bender-Zanoni
Whitneyveille, CT

-------------- Original message --------------
From: dima

> Hi list,


\r?\n> I am going to wrap the bars on a bike with some Tressostar tape,

\r?\n> problem is that I've never done that using cloth tape before, and the

\r?\n> tape being somewhat rare, I'd hate to botch up the job, so would

\r?\n> appreciate any cloth tape-specific tips/tricks/instructions. In

\r?\n> particular, I'd like to have an idea how long (or short) a roll of

\r?\n> Tressostar tape usually is for regular size bars - i.e. should I try

\r?\n> to minimize the overlap or not. Also, how do you cover the brake

\r?\n> clamps (what's usually done using the specially provided piece of cork

\r?\n> tape) - in the usual way (i.e. by using a piece of cloth tape) or

\r?\n> differently. Etc.


\r?\n> Thanks.


\r?\n> --

\r?\n> Cheers,

\r?\n> Dmitry Yaitskov,

\r?\n> Toronto, Canada.