Re: [CR]1980 Sloan's Complete Book

(Example: Framebuilders)

Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 18:28:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]1980 Sloan's Complete Book
To: Robert Murray <>,
In-Reply-To: <BLU0-SMTP15C65A0758FC7BFF0DBA9DAD8E0@phx.gbl>

Well, personally I prefer the 1970 edition, which seems to have been the original one. It is a great picture of the quality bicycle world shortly before the dawn of the "bike boom".

There is a photo of an all-chrome touring bike which I think is an Herse. He also gives specs and PRICES of some of the top bikes of the day. Get this:

PX-10 $160 Paramount P-13 $245 Cinelli $255 Falcon top model $225 Frejus top model $215

Amazing. It reminds me of working in the steel mills at the age of 18. The old timers used to talk about the Depression. I remember one saying, "Yeah, back then you could get a hamburger and a cup of coffee for a nickle. Only trouble was, you didn't have the nickle."


Jerry Moos Big Spring, Texas, USA

Robert Murray <> wrote: Hello,

If one were interested in getting just one edition of the Complete book of Bicycling by Sloane, and at the same time was largely interested in CR appropriate bikes in illustrations and photos in the book, which edition would you try and get? The 1980 edition? I understand that the 1980 edition has photos of the author's Alex Singer bike, correct?


rob hawks richmond, ca

Yup, this is the right book. The edition with the Red Paramount on the cover (1980). Perfect for servicing all those old and beautiful Campy record hubs etc. My edition is now in 8 pieces due to years of use.

Bob Murray