Thursday, August 07, 2008 - 10:20 PM
1. I'd venture that most everybody offering suggestions wishes not to appear condescending, as stuck seatposts has come up so often on numerous bike lists; and all of that is so well indexed for retrieval.
2. When I put out a request that might collect many responses, I set up a filter in my email client so the responses go directly in a folder dedicated to them.
3. Hope you've checked your handlebar stem. They get stuck, too.
said Harry Travis Washington, DC USA , stirred by:
Julie Cleveland <>'s message of:
Thursday 07 Aug 08 at 09:05 PM,
On: [CR]Posts into My Personal Mailbox
[echoed below, in part<=1]
>Hello all,
>I am getting a ton of posts from individuals, rather than having my
>question answered via the list, which I receive in digest form. If you
>could answer my post questions via the list and not send me
>individual replies I would appreciate it.