I have campy threaded hubs on my 83 Masi GC. Hubs are the no name with the globe in the center and oil port covered by a black band. Are they most likely Italian or iso threaded? Currently I have a Shimano hyperglide Megarange on it. I want to switch to a Suntour Winner Ultra I bought (7 speed but spacing is fine, made for my 126mm) which is iso threaded. Pic and description here: (http://ebay.com/<blah> Campy hubs are likely iso or English threaded no problem. I read if is italian threaded hub (are these Campy hubs most likely iso/english or Italian thread?) I am still ok as long as long as I don't keep switching back and forth between these slightly different pitch thread types. Still it would be some comfort to me to know the Campy hub is most likely Iso/english threaded. That way I could never mess them up.
Mark Cutrufelli