Dave, That is a great story and I wish I could have been there. Unfortunately, Jan's query remains, substantively, unanswered. Edward Albert Chappaqua, New York, U.S.A ________________________________________________________________
There are pics of the bike from the original auction in which Ken purchased it at 43bikes. It was definitely in De Rosa livery then. If a prior owner had decided to produce an expensive fake - complete with metal headbadge - I would have thought a Cinelli from the same era would have been one of the least likely candidates precisely because it is so distinctive, and because the bike would be worth a nice price without going to that much trouble. I considered buying the bike when it sold in February of 2007 (By It Now was $3450), but it was too small. I can't imagine spending the time and money to take a fake De Rosa and refake it, but then I can't add much to Jan's question either - just wanted to mention that the earlier auction pics are available for perusal.
Ed Granger
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA