Re: [CR]Re: Two 1950s De Rosas; Was: Is the real or imposter?

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

From: <>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 20:21:11 -0300
To: "Mitch Harris" <>,
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Two 1950s De Rosas; Was: Is the real or imposter?

I have been mistaken for offering a parody of a zen koan. That is why I wrote that I expected the majority onlist to appreciate the anecdote.

I suspect the point was missed or a different one is being made. I do mean THE point which Tim Noah had, else he'd not referred to the Picasso story as apocryphal. That was plain enough from Noah's setup, concluding with the diminishment of what he, a talented journalist and editor, also produces.

So, I'll give one version of THE point: That there are so many soul-less machines produced by production shops; a not uncommon matter in the crossover to or from craft to art. Which, interestingly, the bike which started this thread may not be; De Rosa, it seems, having decided to build something different, out of character. (To make art or fine crafts may be to starve; to license or make copies may mean the ability to suvive and provice a living and much joy to many others. Doesn't every jewelery designer know this?)

With no apology to anyone over an implicit comparison of the inauthentic library that begins the anecdote to many bicycles. A couple of which are what I ride.

But....I apologize for the absence of the correct signoff on my previous post.

Harry Travis Washington, DC USA

said Harry Travis, stirred by:
       "Mitch Harris" <>'s message of:
       Monday 25 Aug 08 at 05:33 PM,
       On: Re: [CR]Re: Two 1950s De Rosas; Was: Is the real or imposter?
       [echoed below, in part<=1]
>In the spirit of Travis's Picasso anecdote I can report that it was
>recently and shockingly discovered that Homer is not in fact the author
>of the Illiad. Instead it was written by a different Greek poet of the
>same era, also blind, also named Homer.
>Mitch Harris
>Little Rock Canyon, UT, USA HPT -- ----------------------------------------------------------- DemostiX