Re: [CR]Oregon Manifest Handbuilt bike show

(Example: Framebuilding:Technology)

From: <"">
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:52:19 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR]Oregon Manifest Handbuilt bike show


Thanks for putting out the word! Needless to say I've been aware of this event and have it on my radar. I'm going to make an attempt at being th ere; which will be a tremendous struggle for me both financially and tim e wise. I'm spread SUPER thin right now having just come back from Inter bike, made an appearance at the Southern Oregon gathering a few weeks ag o, been to the Cirque on the East Coast, NAHBS in Portland earlier this year, plus working on a bike show of our own for next April here in San Diego. And yet, I'm going to do my damnedest to be there. I'm a little s urprised I didn't recieve a personal notice or invitation to come to thi s event.

Thanks again for putting this out there. I'm all over it if I can swing it. If I could hitch a ride with someone coming from SoCal that would ma ke things MUCH easier for me.

Brian Baylis
San Diego Custom Bicycle Show

-- erik wrote:

Anyone interested in handbuilt bikes should make the trek to Portland

Oct 10-12 for the Oregon Manifest. It features many frame builders,

vendors, bikes, beer etc.

More info here:

Erik Reese
Portland OR