Alex: You must post 'nipples' in the adult section on eBay. The reaso n 'screw' is O.K. is that eBay is used to screwing its sellers. A screw a day keeps the money flowing and the sellers boiling. So remember there will be no nipples showing at the old Almer Matre, "Screw U". I have had all of my vintage bicycle bulk links quashed because of the 'search and browse manipulation' sniffer program. The same auctions that passed a few weeks ago are now voided because they have links that buyers find fun and informative. BT
Bruce Thomson Spokane WA 99204 (509) 747 4314
I just listed some rare Mephisto rims, when I tried to get my listing on th e screen to check it over, I got a message I had never seen on eBay before, something like 'this listing is non-authorised'. Thinking things through, I guessed it might be the mention of "NOS nipples" that was creating a prob lem with the automatic censor, so I changed it to "screws", and everything came back to normal.
Apparently "nipples" is non-authorised but "screws" is OK
Anyone come across this problem before?
Alexander March