Re: [CR]Wheelsmith Spoke Length Calculator System

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:02:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Wheelsmith Spoke Length Calculator System
In-Reply-To: <>

Speaking of Wheelsmith, I thought they had gone out of business, but I see they have a current website.  It appears someone bought them last year an d move the operation again, this time to Milwaukee.   They are offering spokes again, but I don't see any mention of the wheelsmith tension meter, which I have used for years.  Is the tensionmeter out of production then .  I think one used to be able to send the tension meters back to Wheelsm ith for recalibration.  Will the reincarnated Wheelsmith or anyone else p rovide that service now?


Jerry Moos
Big Spring, Texas, USA

--- On Tue, 9/16/08, bruce thomson wrote:

From: bruce thomson <> Subject: [CR]Wheelsmith Spoke Length Calculator System To: Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 11:44 AM

AI just bought one of those Wheelsmith Spoke Length Calculator systems and

got it on the cheap.  The reason why it was cheap is because there was no calculator.  The missing calculator is a Casio programmable one.  I di d a search on other Wheelsmith systems and seem to view at least two differ ing calculators.    Does anyone who has one of these know if any good programmable calcu lator will work or are (were) there formulas entered by the Wheelsmith comp any.    BT

Bruce Thomson Spokane WA 99204 (509) 747 4314