With reference to these Gazelle Champion Mondial frames, does anybody know
the difference between an "AA - Special Frame" and an "AB - Frame" like the
one on offer here. They seem to be all the same spec with 531c tubin
g. Was it a difference in quality or in geometry? The amount of
chrome doesn't seem to be dependent on which it is and I can't imagine tha
t Gazelle would offer frames in different qualities - most manufacturers wa
nt all their products to be considered top quality. I have seen the A
A frames advertised as "race" frames on ebay, which makes me think it might
be geometry that is different, but does anybody know for sure?
Hugh Thornton
Cheshire, England
From: jeffrey piwonka <jmpiwonka@yahoo.com> Subject: [CR]FS: Gazelle Champion Mondial frameset. To: "classic rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Date: Tuesday, 16 September, 2008, 7:47 PM
I picked up a KOF Serotta and don't have room for a large bike collection s o I am offering this Gazelle to the list.
it's 57cm ctc on the seat, 56cm tt. english threaded. 126mm rear spacing takes short reach recessed nut brakes 26.8 seatpost
frame is in good shape, there is one very small top tube dent on the right
side, barely visible in this pic.
more pics.
pages one and two here.
$225 shipped in the continental US.
Jeff Piwonka
Austin, Texas, USA