A few months ago, when I was in the midst of a quest to locate a Cinelli 1R stem for my '83 Tommasini, y'all tried to tell me..."It'll never stop slipping!" "The XE is technologically superior!" "They don't work." "Just get a 1A and be done with it!" But the darn thing was just too sexy! I had to have one. I just had to fi gure it out for myself. Well guess what? It never stopped slipping. It is technologically inferior. It didn't work. I need a 1A.
Have any of you ever successfully remedied a slipping 1R with the use of a shim? If so, where (front or back of the bar clamp) was it located? Or is the best remedy "get a different stem"? My gut instinct is that the latter is the optimal solution. So...
I am in search of a 100 or 105mm "Winged C" logo 1A stem. Also in search of a 2A in the same length. Doesn't need to be NOS or even immaculate. Just a clean rider that won't be an eyesore when paired with nice, clean bars.
Muchas Gracias,
Matthew Bowne
Brooklyn, New York
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