Thanks for the response to this outing.
I have contacted the seller - who might just be English, I believe - to ask the various questions you have raised..and stressed the urgency for prompt reply.
I have a similar frame in my collection - that particular one being built f rom a special Columbus tubing, whose name I forget at the moment...not SLX or any of the better known models of that era. There again MERAL - the orig inal company - used to have excellent relationships with tubing companies, and I recall being in their factory in summer4 1984 or 1985 looking at the range of models being prepared for the P{aris Show in September. They had f rames built in Reynolds 501, 501SL, and SMS - all of which had never seen t he light of day in the UK.
The seller's ad. indicates that the bike has been for sale before but faile d to fetch a reasonable price - I think something in the order of 750 euros is mentioned...although she admits not knowing what it is worth. But there again we are all placed in that position from time to time. I have just bo ught a bike that is claimed to be a Magnat-Debon, which belonged to Jean Ro bicĀ for 10 euros..but that provenance is going to be hard to verify !
Norris Lockley, Settle UK