I know this is verboten but.....I agree with Emanuel. Singer was Singer. A Jew who, somehow, survived by hiding our in Paris and avoiding deportation and deathe in the the East at the hands of the Nazis. To francophone his name and his ethnicity is to deprive him of his identity. If you want to examine history as it really was, than you have no business in the preservation of any history, including cycling. Ok.....ban me. Edward Albert, some of whose parents families escaped Poland. Some of whose parents families DID NOT. Edward Albert Chappaqua, New York, U.S.A.
On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 6:42 PM, EPL <lowiemanuel@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> The rule with Germanic type names in France is that they retain their
> Germanic pronunciation.
> This is the case with most of the names of Champagne producers (almost all
> of German origin). Bollinger is not Bo-lawn-jay. It is Bo-ling-ger. Same
> with Heidsieck, Roederer, Mumm, Krug, etc. Ditto for all those Alsatian
> winemakers. They may be citizens of France, but their names retain the
> original pronunciation.
> The French are sensible about such matters. Paris has a Boulevard Hausmann.
> No doubt about it, Alex Singer was no Frenchman. His name says it all. I
> imagine he was a Hungarian Jew, actually. Don't Francisise his name in
> an attempt to sound sophisticated. It is Sing-ger', not San-jay.
> Emanuel Lowi
> Montreal, Quebec
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