Great to hear so many of you are planning on traveling here to 'Fly-O ver Country' to attend and participate in the 5th NAHBS! Plans are reall y starting to solidify, and the vendor list is growing.
There are several places in Downtown 'Nap City' (that's 'hip' for Indianapo lis) that would be suitable for a CR get-together/dinner. Don is looking to arrange for one of the brewpubs to host a bunch of the vendors and othe rs involved with the show on Saturday night, and that could certainly inclu de CR folks. The deli Dale mentioned is Shapiro's, and I'll check into t heir ability to have a Big Table. (It's cafeteria style, so it's easy to get served. Best Reubens ever!). There is a great blues club downtown to o, The Slippery Noodle, as well as other good watering holes in a tight ent ertainment area near the Show venue. Plenty to do here, despite the perc eption on the Coasts.
I am acting as volunteer coordinator, and am looking for help. A show li ke this deserves our support to help make it a success. I am looking for about 80 friends to commit 4 or 5 hours helping out in a variety of jobs. A shift will earn you admission to the show and a T-Shirt. Some of y ou have told me you will be attending and are interested in helping out.
Please visit to find a donwloadable Volunteer Survey form . Please fill it out and return it to me via email. Or contact me o ff-list.
If you know someone that is not on this list that you think would like to v olunteer, please do not hesitate to forward the survey. Thanks for your consideration. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thanks! See you in February.
Ron Gurth
NAHBS Volunteer Coordinator
Indianapolis, IN, USA