Hi Jim,Unfortunately the serial number on an early to mid 1970s Peugeo
t does not tell you anything about the model, and does not tell you much ab
out its year either. Peruse my website http://www.bikeboompeugeot.com/ and
Jim Ruggieri's http://www.cyclespeugeot.com/ to see if you can find your bi
ke in the Peugeot catalogs. I do not have the 1975 or 76 catalogs, but the
1974 and 77 catalogs are posted.Cheers,Tom Simmons
Indiana, PennsylvaniaUSAhttp://www.bikeboompeugeot.com/
Jan 16, 2009 02:30:03 PM, jimt464@yahoo.com wrote:=====
=============gr eetings form the state
of maine back in 1976 i purchased a brand new what i thought was
a peugeot px-10le model from the spoke bike shop in denver .Â
mine was 58 cm red . i cant seem to find any reference to my
serial munber 1480001does any one out there have a n idea on what this mac
ine calls itself        Â
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