Re: [CR] Identify the frame challenge

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

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Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 10:20:19 -0500
From: "Wayne Bingham" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Identify the frame challenge

Jaake -

It's certainly possible that your frame is a Stan Pike, and if so, would likely be an early one. All Pike numbers I've seen have had an SP prefix. It's also possible that your frame was built by Pike for sale under another name, since he also built for Don Farrell, Ken Ryall, Fred Baker and others. My Stan Pike frame is one of the later frames, built in February 1983, just nine months before Pike's death. The number on mine is SP 8309. According to Stan Pike's son Steve, Stan's frame log starts in 1979 (and ends in 1983, of course). Steve was kind enough to provide me with a copy of the original build sheet for my frame. He also provided a copy of the page from the build log for my frame, which includes three frames immediately before and two after mine, but no other pages. Consequently, I don't have detailed info on other frames. The information on those build log pages would seem to indicate that "stock" frames were built with numbers representing the year and the sequence (1983 # 9, for my frame), because there are frames 8308, 8309, 8310 and 8311 on the pages. However, there is also different numbering for two "custom" frames prior to the 8308 entry, those being SP29704 built for Mick Harris, and SP281162 built for Kevin Sylvester.

The details on your frame are not like on any other Stan Pike frame I've seen, but that's not unusual, since just about every one I've seen has been different. Mine has details I've not see on any others. Hilary Stone has speculated that my frame may have been built for a show, since it is a bit "fancier" that many others. I can provide additional details on my frame, and it's build specifications, if you like.

-- Wayne Bingham Lovettsville, Virginia USA

On 1/30/09, Norris Lockley <> wrote:
> Jaake, I think that you are correct in your thinking that this is a Stan Pike frame..Stan was well known for building excellent frames..and also for
   specialising to a certain extent in time-trial models, which is what your obviously is..with its short rear triangle, shot-in stays, and upright angl es. Judging from the frame No, the frame could well be the 91st, assuming t hat Stan numbered consecutively.
> On the CR site there is a site dedicated to Stan's frames..and one of th em belongs to Wayne Bingham, very much a stalwart on the CR List. Perhaps W ayne could check out the number and style of the Frame No on his bike.
> Hope this helps a little
> Norris Lockley...Settle Uk
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