Re: [CR] Are you a real CR Rider? & fun in Westminster

(Example: Events)

From: "Barb and Dan Artley" <>
To: Classic Rendezvous <>
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 23:10:19 -0500
Subject: Re: [CR] Are you a real CR Rider? & fun in Westminster

I love riding bikes of all kinds, ... and once let Barb know that I'd like to own one of every kind of bike (scared her). I'd love one of those swing bikes too (got to ride one of those at the New York show in the 70's when I was working in a bike shop). But mostly I'm a fan of CR style bikes. I like and only own steel bikes, but don't own other types of metal/composite frames mostly because I can only afford the steel bikes I get deals on. I am a bike snob, but probably more about seeing a properly set up bike than ranting against any aluminum, ti or carbon fiber bikes. Seeing a thoughtful build on a half decent frame really tickles me and I'll admit to having the FGG next to the CR list on my links bar. I'll ride any bike that someone will let me because I just love that different bikes all have their own qualities, subtleties, strengths and sometimes failings. If I could afford a bike I really like and can find room for it in the collection, I just may extend my boundaries. I've been assured by friends there really are wonderful riding carbon, ti and aluminum bikes out there. I've just not ridden any so far that have seemed so to me, lighter is not necessarily a better ride.

Through the CR list, I've become intrigued with older shifting systems and bikes with epicyclic hubs. I've tried a Cambio Corsa bike, another with the old Cyclo derailleur mounted ahead of the hub on the chainstay (kept hitting my heel on the hanger, would someone let me try the nivex that tucks under the stay?), gotten the fixed gear I'd wanted since a teenager hanging with the Chesapeake Wheelmen, our local racing club. I now own a couple bikes w/ Sturmey Archer hubs, just a hoot to ride. Why wouldn't I be interested in newer bikes, materials, shifting and braking systems. Would that make me not a CR rider?

I had a great time today hanging out at the Westminster swap meet. Got to see a lot of CR riders there. I cruised the show a lot with Larry Osborn & a bit with Tom Hayes. Talked with too many nice people to try to include names without leaving out a few accidently, many CR vendors & local riders (this place is close to my home). Of course we talked a lot about the cool bikes & parts but a lot of it was about riding. Been out lately? Any big rides have you got planned this year?

Now besides getting some miles tucked in and around this crappy weather, I'm looking forward to a few vintage rides this year, maybe a more epic one or two. If anyone shows up on our annual vintage ride from home without vintage steel ... well, they're still welcome. Maybe we can introduce them to the cult!

Happy trails,

Dan Artley in Parkton, Maryland USA