Re: [CR] Name That Colnago- Time For Another Round

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 17:20:47 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Name That Colnago- Time For Another Round

Don't forget there is not front derailleur tab, a feature that became normal on Italian bikes, round-a-bout 1982, according to list discussions.

Ciao, Mark Agree Southfield MI USA ~ ~ ~

Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 15:31:27 -0500 From: <> Subject: [CR] Name That Colnago- Time For Another Round (Ed Granger)


I'll try and get a better shot of the levers, but they are definitely campagnolo. There are a composite lever similar to the old Universal plastic levers. I did some digging and think they might be a set of early 1990's Xenon levers. That group had a ton of composite parts.

If we are going the Super route as both you and ray suggested, why the difference in decals?

Thanks again.

Sean Flores SF, CA __________________________________________________________________

My money is on '82, given the spool chainstay reinforcement, under-BB cable guides, stamped chainstays, full chrome fork, and those taped dropout-stay connections (I can't tell from the pics whether it has the upper porta catena hole or not). Not to say any of those things couldn't have appeared earlier, but it has all the earmarks of a frame later in the pre-sloping fork era and none of the earlier ones. Of course, the exception is the rule with Colnagos, but that puts me pretty much in line with Ray and George in any case. At that time, there was little if anything to distinguish a Mexico from a Super (at least with regard to the USA catalog-type frames) except for the chainstay decal and the tubing type, and this bike has the decals to indicate neither. I think it could well be either a Mexico or a Super, so I'm not sure how to tell which aside from maybe trying to determine whether the tubing is butted or straight gauge.

Ed Granger Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

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