Re: [CR] Bar Tape Taste Test

(Example: Framebuilders:Alex Singer)

Hi Tom,

I'm looking forward to Cirque too! Anyway, whatever the material, it's gott a be royal blue. Royal blue and gold go so well together.

Marc St. Martin Livermore, CA USA

-----Original Message-----

>From: Thomas Adams <>

>Sent: Mar 10, 2009 1:16 PM


>Subject: [CR] Bar Tape Taste Test


>Dear list:



>I need some sage counsel and advice.


>I'm slowly working to get a new bike ready for Cirque.  I know, I kno
w, i

>t's much too soon to be ready for Cirque, but I'm only working on it:Â

>intend to procrastinate, delay and stall so that I get my full measur
e of

> last minute frenzy, desperately bolting parts on and taking em back

> changing, gluing and panicking right up to the last second so that I

>be perfectly primed for Leesburg. 



>Anyway, the new bike is a 70's era Follis, wearing the pale blue/grey main

>tubes with the royal blue headtube paint scheme.  The faux team jerse
y is

> Kelly green.  The buildup is featuring gold French parts.
  No tast

>eful restraint here!  Note to friends:  never, never, neverÂ
 buy one g

>old doo-dad and think you can walk away from it.  You will slowly be

>en to try to acquire a full group.  A Simplex rear mech was my gatewa
y co

>mponent.  You can't help yourself.  Resistance is futile. 
 I now ha

>ve gold pedals, gold Mafacs, gold Edco headset, gold Ambrosio rims (I'm to

> heavy for the Mavic ORO rims), gold Nitto bars, yellow Binda straps----.

>  I think my downfall was that great Peugeot poster of Thevent winnin
g th

>e '75(?) tour on the golden Pugeot PY10.  Ah, what a lovely pic.Â




>(BTW, anyone got a gold Simplex front derailleur and some (Ha Ha!)  1

> Stronglight Gold ano arms and rings?  Oh, and I want a unicorn, a ce

>r and an honest politician to go with em, too.)


>So anyway, the question is what bar wrap treatment to use.  The optio
ns a

>re wide open.  I've used everything on other bikes from Tom Sand
ers exc

>ellent Amish leather wrap to shellaced cotton: screamin Benotto Celo to Ci

>elli cork fruit salad, Cateye black cotton to Stella Azzura faux stiched,

>erf-ed leather.  Ol Bernie looks like he sported the traditoinal team

>der brand new white cotton in all the pics.  That's not really suitab
le f

>or me, as it wouldn't stay white long enough to make it up the stairs

>m the basement.


>So help me out, folks.  This isn't a period correct concour
s build.

>  What tape is the most fittin in this context, which will maximize m
y vi

>ntage feng shui, which will make my bike desired by all women and envied b

> all men, what is the "best"?  Philosophical digressions welcome.Â

>dya think?


>Tom Adams

>Manhattan, KS


> =0A=0A=0A


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