[CR] FW: FW: bored?

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

From: "Dave Porter" <frogeye@porterscustom.com>
To: 'CLASSIC RENDEZVOUS' <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>, 'Dave Porter' <frogeye@porterscustom.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:36:21 -0600
Thread-Index: AcmnLlCja8iT0HBHRiS/8LhtFqqRLQAAIF6g
Cc: bikecoop@swcp.com
Subject: [CR] FW: FW: bored?

I'm posting this response I just got from Rex, who I haven't thought about in 20 odd years. This is why these lists are so cool. And Rex, yes I remember the Sour Dough.




Porter Customs 2909 Arno NE Albuquerque, NM USA 87107 505-352-1378 1954 BN2 1959 AN5 Porter Custom Bicycles

cars: http://www.britishcarforum.com/portercustoms.html http://www.britishcarforum.com/portercustoms.html gallery: <http://picasaweb.google.com/porterscustombicycles/PorterCustomBicyclesStuff
> http://picasaweb.google.com/porterscustombicycles/PorterCustomBicyclesStuff

blog: http://porterbikes.com/ http://porterbikes.com/


From: r7glm@aol.com [mailto:r7glm@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 12:29 PM To: frogeye@porterscustom.com; R7Glm@aol.com Subject: Re: [CR] FW: bored?


It's great to see these pictures, especially the one of you and John Frey. I actually lived in ABQ from '89-'92 and used to come to your shop on a pretty regular basis, and speak with you quite bit about bike building (had/have many connections with bike industry and knew most of '84 Olympic team)-and I believe I brought you some sourdough bread one time from SF (the trivia I remember). Rode often with John (as did everyone on the rides out of the University) and saw him set the national 25 mile TT record on I believe a fixed 110" gear (oh man was Bostick pissed that day). He and I used to talk fixie as I often road a fixed gear for the early season (hold-over from my CA days). Went from ABQ to Boston and now in DC (yeah, government job). In any case, thanks again for the pictures and memories!

Rex Gilmore Vienna, VA

-----Original Message----- From: Dave Porter <frogeye@porterscustom.com> To: 'CLASSIC RENDEZVOUS' <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Sent: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 1:52 pm Subject: [CR] FW: bored?

I am starting to slowly add some scans of some old bikes to my blog, mostly for my entertainment. Click on the blog link below to see some of my children.



Porter Customs 2909 Arno NE Albuquerque, NM USA 87107 505-352-1378 1954 BN2 1959 AN5 Porter Custom Bicycles

gallery: http://picasaweb.google.com/porterscustombicycles/PorterCustomBicyclesStuff

blog: http://porterbikes.com/



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