[CR] Coppi road bike for sale -

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
From: "Bianca Pratorius" <biankita@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 19:39:30 -0400
Subject: [CR] Coppi road bike for sale -

> I have a 1973 Coppi road bike for sale with NR headset, NR bottom
> bracket, NR brake calipers with proper Campy brake pads that do not
> squeak and are not dry, NR 170 mm 52/42 cranks, NR 36 hole high flange
> hubs with flat lever quick release, Gran Sport pedals, TTT 110 mm
> Stem, TTT 40 mm c-c bars, Regina five cog rear cluster (13-19). The
> only non Italian parts are the period correct Dia Compe brake levers
> (I bought new hoods though) and the Sugino binder bolt and the fluted
> seat post. The Seat is a leather Italian saddle in fair condition with
> only some tearing at rear edges but still comfy and quite serviceable.
> The cork handlebar tape is new as are the brake and shifter cables.
> The bike is an obvious repaint from before my purchasing it and there
> is some orange peel only in areas where it doesn't show (bottom of
> chainstays). The bike is a 1973 by identification of the stamp on the
> axle nuts but there is no patent number on the rear derailleur. I
> re-greased the bottom bracket and the headset and sprayed the inside
> of all tubes with Boeshield when I first got the bike. I believe I
> overhauled both hubs at that time too but it might have been only one.
> The chain is a new SRAM 6-8 speed chain that I installed on purchase.
> I replaced the front derailleur hinge bolt with a new allen head one
> and cleaned and rebuilt the brakes using one new caliper pivot bolt
> but I was able to save the original one on the other caliper. The
> wheels were rebuilt with Sun Rims (for a good dependable modern rim
> that look almost classic - especially if you want to peel the labels
> off)- The wheels are true too - I didn't really need to touch them.
> The tires look new and are Specialized clinchers 700x 23.
> The bike rides, shifts and brakes in a flawless way, but it is
> unfortunately not my size. The stamped size on the bottom bracket is
> 60 cm but the actual measurements are:
> 58 cm center to center seat tube
> and
> 57 cm center to center top tube (longer seat tube but shorter top tube
> good for aging backs).
> All the lug windows are neatly painted white and all lugs and bottom
> bracket and brake bridge are fully windowed too.
> The serial number on the bottom bracket is stamped 70082.
> There are signs of closely matching touch up paint in many places but
> for the most part the overall look of the paint is bright and clean.
> This is obviously not a show bike but it's no beater for sure.
> At $775.00 plus the actual cost of shipping I hope the bike finds a
> nice home.
> My packing will be expert, thoughtful and I will take every precaution
> to make sure it gets to you safely and undamaged.
> Here are the photos (just copy this link and paste it in your browser)
> :


> Garth Libre in Miami Florida USA