Re: [CR] ebay: Dahltron No. 1 Tape

(Example: Events)

Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 12:07:59 -0700
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
To: Robert Goughary <>, John Hurley <>
In-Reply-To: <249DDD9704676C49AE6169AE3D2D9F4ECDB77E@Exchange-SVR>
Subject: Re: [CR] ebay: Dahltron No. 1 Tape

I also suspect the use of electrical tape is not new, and probably somethin g similar has been used about as long as plastic bar tape with no adhesive backing has been in use. I actually use plastic tape, very similar to elec trical tape, but available in a assortment of colors. You can buy a packag e of assorted color plastic tape at most hardware stores.

I usually use bar tape of the accent color for the bike, then finish off wi th plastic tape the primary color of the bike. For example, my recently re built Zunow is blue with yellow accents and decals, so I used yellow Benott o bar tape finished with blue plastic tape. Both bar tape and plastic tape come in enough colors I can usualy use the combination I want. I find if I pull the plastic tape tight and wrap a couple of times around the bars, it seldom comes loose. It also helps to cut it so the end lies on the unders ide of the bars, where you hand won't likely roll it up.


Jerry Moos
Big Spring, Texas, USA

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, John Hurley wrote:

> From: John Hurley <>
> Subject: Re: [CR] ebay: Dahltron No. 1 Tape
> To: "Robert Goughary" <>
> Cc:
> Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 12:47 PM
> Robert,
> I can't really offer advice based on personal
> experience, as I've always
> preferred cushiony bar wrap to the hard cotton. I really
> liked Grab-ons
> back when they were available. However, here are some
> points to
> consider, with apologies in advance if I state the
> obvious...
> 1. Use the CR List Archives to search for past threads. I
> haven't found
> it that easy to search, but you can usually find lots of
> info if you
> try.
> 2. Try searching Google.
> 3. Try for shellac materials and advice.
> 4. I think black electrical tape has been in use a long
> time and is not
> off-topic. However, I've never liked it myself because
> it doesn't stay
> stuck, and is ugly, especially if your bar wrap is not
> dark. I recently
> bought some heat-shrink tubing which I intend to try
> cutting in short
> pieces, say one inch, for finishing off. Although I
> haven't tried it
> yet, it should work great, but it is black.
> 5. Using shellac would seem to render the direction of
> wrapping a dead
> issue, since the shellac presumably anchors the wrap
> solidly in place.
> Some would argue the direction of wrapping is already a
> dead issue;
> fears of wrap coming loose being exaggerated, and likely
> due to poor
> installation. Anyway, I would be tempted to wrap from the
> center,
> anchoring with a bit of tape or adhesive and winding over
> top so nothing
> shows but white tape. Count on good tight wrapping plus
> shellac for a
> bullet-proof job.
> 6. I've heard of soaking cotton tape with water to make
> it more flexible
> and easier to wrap, then it dries really tight.
> 7. I've heard the slick way to handle the brake levers
> is to remove the
> levers but leave the clamp and stud on the handlebar. Wrap
> neatly
> around the clamp, apply shellac, then replace the levers
> after you're
> all done.
> Hope this helps,
> John Hurley
> Austin, Texas, USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Goughary []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 9:45 AM
> To:; John Hurley
> Subject: Re: [CR] ebay: Dahltron No. 1 Tape
> I can imagine the debate on the direction of bar tape was a
> good one....
> However on that note - I am wrapping my Ambrosio bars
> (read sloping
> center taper) with cotton tape - White - and was thinking
> to Shellac
> them or not....any advice here on shellacing or not
> shellacing would be
> helpful - I have nver ridden bars with this treatment -
> Also - what is the best way (and period correct way) to
> finish off the
> tape at the bar center? I don't want to used an
> off-topic electrical
> black tape type deal. How was it done in the fifties and
> sixties? Was
> there anyone out there with a great inovative method?
> ooh - just thought of something - using campy bar end
> shifters - any
> thoughts on cable routing under the tape? on the rider side
> or in the
> front? See Cinelli in Jan's Competition bike book -
> arrived last night -
> fantastic book - anyway, I noticed that this bike has the
> same type of
> setup as what I am building...What are your preferences?
> Thanks
> Rob Goughary
> Stamford, CT USA
> --- On Wed, 3/25/09, John Hurley
> <> wrote:
> > From: John Hurley <>
> > Subject: [CR] ebay: Dahltron No. 1 Tape
> > To:
> > Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 10:17 AM
> > I have a package of Dahltron No. 1
> > Professional Handle Bar Tape listed
> > on ebay, Item No. 230333287397.  As an afterthought I
> > searched the CR
> > List Archives and was surprised (though I really
> should not
> > have been)
> > that this brand, which I had never seen before, has
> been
> > mentioned here
> > in the not too distant past.  Warning: Do not look at
> > the photo of the
> > back side of the package, as it shows wrapping the
> tape in
> > the "wrong"
> > direction, starting at the center and working toward
> the
> > end.  I
> > wouldn't want to be guilty of re-igniting that
> debate.
> >
> > John Hurley
> > Austin, Texas, USA
> >
> >
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