Re: [CR] Rear brake housing cable runs?

(Example: Framebuilders)

References: <00c101c9c921$7c5ea150$2f01a8c0@danbarbpc> <>
To: <>, <>, <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 09:22:13 -0400
In-Reply-To: <>
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Rear brake housing cable runs?


They're in the "warehouse" with all that other stuff (including stickers/decals the other poster is looking for) from MPI ! :-)

And you are right, style?IS everything, just ask Ed ! (inside joke, sorry other listers) As we used to say when I was racing: Looking good is half the's the other that's the hard part. (although looking good WAS the?hard part?for some!)

Rex Gilmore Vienna, VA

-----Original Message----- From: Wayne Bingham <> To: Classic Rendezvous <> Sent: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 7:48 am Subject: Re: [CR] Rear brake housing cable runs?

Velcro? Geeze, might as well just use some electrical tape, or maybe a twist-tie off that last loaf of bread.

Come on everyone, have you forgotten the cardinal rule that with bicycles style is EVERYTHING!

I guess I'm surprised no one has mentioned that there are tons of types of top-tube cable clips besides the traditional steel bands with little screws and nuts. Well, maybe not tons, but I bet there are a dozen or more. Many of these were not quite as "permanent" as the traditional clips, in that they snap or clip on the top tube. There are various plastic and metal versions. Dia Compe, among others, made plastic strap-type cable clips that have an integral peg-and-socket snap together attachment. There are also numerous metal spring clip-like types that literally snap on to the top tube. Many of these type clips were used on lower-end bikes, including kids bikes, but they would work just fine for the application Dan has in mind. I'm sure I have several versions of these around somewhere, I just need to dig them up. The plastic ones are probably safest for the paint, if that's a priority, but metal may look more traditional.

So please Dan, don't Velcro-strap your cable housing to the top tube. As a charter member of the Bicycle Style Council, I'll happily donate a set more suitable to your project.

Now where the heck did I put those darn things? -- Wayne Bingham Lovettsville, Virginia USA
> I'd like to run a brake on the rear of a vintage track bike I just received that came drilled in the rear as well as front. ?As the bike's got a fixed/free hub, I'd feel more comfortable with two brakes if I run a freewheel. ?I've no problem with running housing all the way, but want to be able to quickly and easily strip off the brakes and bars to convert to pure track and leave no marks in the original paint of this old soldier. ?I also like to have matching brake levers as another grip point and symmetry.
> I'm thinking zipties inside out so the sharp edge doesn't touch, but are there other solutio ns that folks on the list might use for this sort of thing. ?I'm also thinking of the cable ties made for Cantiflex tubing, but not owning a Bates, I've never done more than look at those rare things.
> Please let me/us know any ideas you might have, on or off list.


> Happy trails,


> Dan Artley,