Re: [CR] Bone Density and Cycling

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

From: "Robert Clair" <>
To: <>, <>
References: <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 23:59:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR] Bone Density and Cycling

... can anyone actually back up some of this nonesense with some medical facts, please. ... cyclists in the "good old days" smoked, drank, took bennies, ate sugar to extreme, god knows what the dutch took when they had all those enlarged red blood cell heart attacks, they all now love epo, and who know what is the soup du jour today. ... my favorite video back then had eric vanderarten (sp) nearing a finish line and reaching for that little vial in the back pocket that had the "special juice". ... people are different, and people age. i'd give a good bit if i could just get a bike around the block these days ... and we haven't had any replacements yet. ... more power to all you jack lalannes(sp) out there. squat your ass off/into the next hospital bed.
robert clair
alexandria, va 22308