[CR] Scans of Louison Bobet Cyclo-Pedia pages

(Example: Events)

Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 20:21:36 -0400
From: "Harvey Sachs" <hmsachs@verizon.net>
To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>, OROBOYZ <OROBOYZ@AOL.COM>
Subject: [CR] Scans of Louison Bobet Cyclo-Pedia pages

I've scanned the six pages of the 7th (1966) edition of Cyclo-Pedia dealing with these imports, which seem to have been rebadged Merciers. The scans are big, about 1 MB/double page, and strictly black & white. But, if you need them, or want to post them, I can pass them along. Or just the one on the C-34 Amateur and C-35 Pro road bikes. Gee, Dale, want them for the French section of classicRendezvous.org?

For those who don't remember Cyclo-Pedia, it was one of the few sources of imported parts Back Then. The proprietor, Gene Portuesi, was active in the Olympic cycling movement as coach, etc. Originally in Detroit, later more-or-less retired to Cadillac, MI. I was in Houston in the early 60s, and it was the only place I knew of to get sew-ups and other goodies. Heck, Houston didn't even have a Raleigh dealer back then, and Raleigh turned down my offer to sell the better bikes out of my dorm room. Good thing, too.

harvey sachs
mcLean va