(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 17:31:43 -0700
From: "Michael Howard" <>
To: <>

Sorry, I forgot the proper sign off.

Michael Howard Santa Fe Springs, CA

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Michael Howard <>wrote:
> Brian Baylis and Mike Howard, the original Wizards will be riding their
> vintage Wizards at Sterlings vintage ride in San Diego on July 25th. We
> would like to invite and encourage all Wizard owners who can possibly make
> it to come along and enjoy the day with us. Come one come all it would be
> really cool to get a group picture of everybody and their Wizards with the
> original builders 35 years after the fact. Would love to hear from anyone
> planning to attend if you can't come email me a picture of your machine and
> we will put together some sort tribute picture or something.
> Ride Info:
> to classicrendezv.
> show details Jun 23 (13 days ago) Reply
> Regina and I will be hosting the annual Bastille Day ride & BBQ Party this
> year at our house in San Diego on Saturday, July 25th (938 20th street, San
> Diego, Ca., 92102). This means be prepared to have a good time. Everyone
> always says this ride is great fun, so you will not want to miss it. Bring
> a French touring bike if you have one, or bring what you got. All bikes and
> riders are welcome. Arrive for the party (Breakfast) at 9:00A.M. The ride
> starts at 10:30A.M. We will ride through Downtown San Diego, then on to
> Imperial Beach, to Coronado, take the Ferry ($3.75) across the San Diego
> Bay and finish with a tour of San Diego\u2019s Gas lamp Quarter and back to the
> House. This ride is flat and level, and about 25 miles in length.
> The Food and drinks will be provided, however there will be a $10 fee per
> person in order to attend this Party. For $10 you get all the good food you
> can eat, and all the Beers and Margaritas you can drink (water, juice, &
> sodas too). Joe Bell said he aims to get his money\u2019s worth.
> This event will be limited to the first 25 people to sign up on a first to
> RSVP basis. Email me off list. Please bring your wives and girlfriends.
> Regina would like more women to participate.
> Yes, I know Bastille Day falls on the 14th of July, but we will be in Iowa
> visiting relatives that day and we need a few days after we get back to
> pull everything together. Matt Gorski and I decided to trade the hosting of
> this ride every other year. Thank you Matt for agreeing to this.
> Thank you,
> Sterling and Regina Peters
> 938 20th street
> San Diego, Ca., 92102
> Phone 619-917-3889