A great idea if Dale could somehow incorporate Wool Jersey into the CR, but I would personally think that all of those that want to keep albums on the Wool Jersey should pay a subscription fee. It has been great for Morgan to do this for all of the years he has, but we all need to kick in a bit to help him out, and propose to Dale if he can work it into the CR site. It does seem like a good idea on the surface, but I wouldn't expect the CR, or Dale to do it on a free basis.
Peter Naiman
Milwaukee, WI USA
From: Charles Nighobr <> Subject: [CR] Wool jersey To: Date: Monday, July 20, 2009, 10:07 PM
A question for Dale. does CR web site have enough space to be the new site for Wool Jersey. In a Seperate part of CR but accessed thru CR. And that site already has a server paid for and what ever else is needed.
Charles Nighbor
Walnut Creek CA USA