[CR] restoration and originality - philosophical test
(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)
From: "
Mark Lawrence" <
To: "classicrendezvous@bikelist.org" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 13:47:20 +0100
Thread-Topic: restoration and originality - philosophical test
Thread-Index: AcoKAWM/eiO+UL2KTVKxogWu59dVUA==
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acceptlanguage: en-US, en-GB
Subject: [CR] restoration and originality - philosophical test
I have an NOS Jack Taylor frame, that has never been painted.
It was built in 1990, covered in a primer coat by the Taylors and then put into storage when the factory closed.
It's now in my possession. I'm having it painted.
This may sound like a silly question, but I thought it would focus the philosophers.
When I have it built up, should it be a 1990 bicycle? Or a 2009 bicycle?
Mark Lawrence
United Kingdom