Re: [CR] Wooljersey

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 12:55:24 -0700
From: "Morgan Fletcher" <>
To: Michael Howard <>, <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Wooljersey

Thanks, Mike! Thanks, CR!

Morgan Fletcher Oakland, CA USA

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Michael Howard <>wrote:
> To All CR Listers:
> I wish I had been in the financial situation to have helped with the "The
> Great Wool Jersey Restoration Project of 09" but I would like to say Bravo
> to this group. What a cool thing you all did and in such a timely manner.
> You all deserve a pat on the back and a good old atta boy. Long live CR and
> Wool Jersey.
> Mike Howard
> Santa Fe Springs CA
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Morgan Fletcher <>wrote:
>> Sorry for all the email about this. If you don't know what I'm talking
>> about; suffered a disk failure. It's a
>> site I ran where people - many on this list - could post pictures of
>> bicycles. I didn't have a disk backup and sent the disk for data recovery
>> to
>> a reputable vendor. I mentioned the cost and amazingly the members of this
>> list contributed more than enough to cover the cost. Thank you! I'll gift
>> some of the balance to two worthy CR members and keep the rest for the
>> monthly hosting fee. Right now it's $125 / month but I hope to move it to
>> somewhere cheaper.
>> I requested a PDF of the invoice. I felt funny about asking for money with
>> just my word that I needed it. Here's what I just paid a few moments ago:
>> I also got this description of the work from Kelly Chessen at
>> Thank you for choosing DriveSavers for your data recovery needs. As we
>> discussed on the phone, we're pleased to report the recovery was
>> successful.
>> The drive had suffered from a failure of the actuator (read/write head
>> assembly). The failure of this component led to physical damage on the
>> platters and software corruption.
>> The recovery process began in our class 100 clean room, where we worked to
>> overcome the damage and extract an "image" of the drive. This is a
>> sector-by-sector copy of entire drive capacity. Due to the media damage,
>> this imaging process was laborious. Once the image was as complete as
>> possible, it then went to one of our software recovery engineers who are
>> specialists in resolving corruption, repairing files and file structure
>> and
>> extracting useable data. The image file contained corrupted information as
>> a
>> result of the actuator writing data incorrectly. Once the data had been
>> verified and repaired to the greatest extent possible, it was scanned for
>> viruses and loaded to the final target media.
>> Given the damaged state of the drive, we were very pleased to accomplish
>> a
>> recovery that appears to be about 95% complete. The cause of the drive
>> failure cannot be determined with certainty, but a power fluctuation
>> (black-out, brown-out or surge) would be the most likely cause.
>> I should receive the new, portable disk containing the restored data
>> tomorrow. I'll start backing it up immediately. I'm gone camping this
>> weekend but I'll get to work on the wooljersey restoration ASAP when I get
>> back. It will not be a quick restoration. Some of the data is still a bit
>> scrambled (see above) so it might take me a week or two to get that
>> sorted.
>> Once it's up on the current server I'll look to move it to a more
>> cost-effective hosting service.
>> Thank you all very much! If anyone wants to put something in the
>> wooljersey
>> tip cup for future hosting, you can paypal me at this address and NOW I'LL
>> Morgan "I get by with a little help from my friends." Fletcher
>> Oakland, CA USA