Re: [CR] Wide Cinelli Bars

(Example: Events)

To: <>, <>, <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 15:58:13 -0400
In-Reply-To: <>
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Wide Cinelli Bars

<< Biggest "both old logo" Cinellis I ever saw was supposed to be 40, but now (!)>>

They came in 42s. Still relatively unusual but defintely in the pipeline...


Dale Brown

Greensboro, North Carolina


-----Original Message----- From: Dale B. Phelps <> To: <>; MarkKoepke <> Sent: Fri, Jul 24, 2009 3:48 pm Subject: Re: [CR] Wide Cinelli Bars

Biggest "both old logo" Cinellis I ever saw was supposed to be 40, but now (!) measures 41c-c (!) ? Adjunct question, anyone have/ever seen STEEL Cinelli bars?bigger than 37-38cm?

Dale Phelps
Montagna lunga Colorado USA

--- On Fri, 7/24/09, Koepke, Mark wrote:

From: Koepke, Mark <> Subject: Re: [CR] Wide Cinelli Bars To: "" <> Date: Friday, July 24, 2009, 12:07 PM

Marc: Unless one was willing to bend them out a bit, I believe that such animals NEVER really did exist.? The wider bars came later.? I raced a lot in the 70s and we bigger guys always had to widen the TTTs or Cinelli's on our own as they couldn't be had at any of our local shops. Mark Koepke, Stevens Point, WI

------------------------------ Message: 2 Subject: [CR] Cinelli handelbars 26.4 diam. old logo 46 or 44 mm ??? center to??? center To: "" <>

Dear CR Listers,

Please let me know if any of you have such an orphan or where I might find one.? Condition is important.

Thanks for your time,

Marc Winnikoff
Santa Barbara, CA